How to take care of someone with fibromyalgia
When you see us happy does not necessarily mean
that we do not have pain, simply we are dealing with it. Some people think that we can not be
so bad if we look good. The pain
is not visible. This is a chronic
illness "invisible" and it is not easy for us to have it.
Please understand that because we can not work
as before, it is not that we are lazy. Our
tiredness and pain is unpredictable and because of this we have to make
adjustments in our way of life. Something
that seems simple and easy to do is not for us, and can cause us much fatigue
and pain.
Not necessarily something we did yesterday we
can do today, but it does not mean that we will not be able to do it again. Sometimes we get depressed. Who would not be depressed with a
constant and constant pain? It
has been found that depression occurs with the same frequency in fibromyalgia
as in any other chronic pain condition. It
does not give us pain to be depressed but we are depressed by the pain and
incapacity to do what we used to be.
We also feel bad when there is no support and
understanding from doctors, family and friends. Please understand me, with your
support and help you lessen my pain. Even
if we slept all night, we did not rest enough. People with fibromyalgia have a poor
quality sleep, which makes the pain worse on days when they sleep poorly. It is not easy for us to remain in the
same position (even if seated) for a long time. This causes us much pain and takes
time to recover.
So we do not go to some activities that we know
that this factor would hurt us. Sometimes
we go, although we know the consequences that will follow. We are not going crazy if we sometimes
forget simple things, what we were saying, the name of someone or we say the
wrong word. These are cognitive
problems that are part of fibromyalgia especially in the days when we have a
lot of pain. It's a little
strange for you and me.
But let's laugh together and help us maintain
our sense of humor. Most people
with fibromyalgia are better aware of this condition than some doctors and
others because we have been forced to educate ourselves to understand our body. So, please, if you're going to suggest
a "cure" for me, do not do it.
It is not because I do not appreciate your help
or I do not want to improve myself, but because I keep myself well informed and
I have already tried many things. We
feel very happy when we have a day with little or no pain, when we get a good
night's sleep, when we do something we have not been able to do for a long
time, when they understand us. We
truly appreciate everything you've done and can do for me; Including your effort to inform and
understand me.
Small things mean a lot to me and I need you to
help me. Be gentle and patient. Remember that inside this aching and
tired body I am still me. I am
trying to learn to live day by day, with my new limitations and to keep hope in
tomorrow. Help me to laugh and
see the wonderful things that God gives us. Thank
you for reading this and taking care of your time. Maybe from now on you can understand
me better. I really appreciate
your interest and support. "
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How to take care of someone with fibromyalgia
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